Serving our community since 1952.

San Francisco Chinatown Lions Club

Our Name

The name "Lions" stands not only for fraternity, good fellowship, strength of character, and purpose, but above all, its combination of L-I-O-N-S heralds to the country the true meaning of citizenship: "LIBERTY, INTELLIGENCE, OUR NATION’S SAFETY". The name was not selected at random, neither was it a coined name.

From time immemorial, the lion has been the symbol of all that was good, and because of the symbolism that name was chosen. four outstanding qualities - courage, strength, activity, fidelity - had largely to do with the adoption of the name. The last mentioned of these qualities, fidelity, has a deep and peculiar significance for all Lions. The lion symbol has been a symbol of Fidelity through the ages and among all nations, ancient and modern. It stands for loyalty to a friend, loyalty to principle, loyalty to a trust.

The name "L.I.O.N.S." also represents "Loving Individuals Offering Needed Service".

Our Emblem

The emblem consist of a gold letter "L" on a circular area. Bordering this a circular area with two Lion profiles facing away from the center. The Lions face both past and future - showing both pride of heritage and the confidence in the future. the word "Lions" appears at the top and "International" at the bottom.

Official Colors

Purple and Gold

Mission Statement

To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation.

Our Motto

"We Serve"